Mitsubishi Ki-51 "Sonia"

The Mistubishi Ki-51 “Sonia” replica is one of the most commonly flown museum aircraft. You can see it stretch its wings most Saturdays with good weather, and it is a favorite amongst our pilots due to it being a joy to fly and its good handling. The museum has had multiple Ki-51 replicas in the past, but is currently working on getting back to two flying Sonias. The museum Ki-51 started life as Fairchild Funk crop duster, but gained experimental category status and has since been modified to be better to fly and more accurately represent the Ki-51. Ki-51’s were originally Japanese ground-attack and reconnaissance planes in WWII, and were designed to operate form short, rough airfields. The nickname “Sonia” was given to it by allied pilots during the war.
More information on this aircraft is in progress – thank you for your patience as we develop our site!